The “Active Holocaust Legacy” project received financial support from the European Union as part of the “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme” (CERV) – “Remembrance” strand.

Six seminars were organized in 2023 by the Shoah Memorial and its European partners, for 281 teachers/educational staff from 13 European countries (France, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain).

The 12-month project dealt with sensitive issues by taking the Holocaust as the foundation of inclusive dialogue between countries having a lot to debate and/or to share because of their competing memories or having the same challenges to address. They gathered history teachers, national authorities and NGOs to promote a comparative approach on European mass atrocities and address contemporary educational challenges such as racial prejudices, conspiracy theory, hate speech, and gender violence.

The AHL project included a new dimension, through the strand “Never again; really?”, applying this regional approach at university level and providing Hungarian and Romanian students with a new perspective on current mass atrocity.


November 21-23 2023

October 11-13  2023 

May 10-20 2023

April 28-30 2023 

March 29-31 2023 

February 28 – March 2 2023